Tuesday 14 July 2009

Fuck Books: Fucking Beattie Fucking Nails It!

In his new article for Canadian Notes & Queries, Steven W. Beattie goes all Samuel L. Jackson and joins Stephen Henighan and Stephen Marche as the third snarling dog-head of the anti-establishment shit-talking Cerberus of CanLit.

"Fugitive Pieces is emblematic of a persistent and virulent strain in CanLit: books that rely for their force and effect upon prose of heightened poeticisms and lyrical trills, language predicated upon an accretion of rococo metaphors and cascading adjectival phrases. The none-too-subtle condescension in such writing is easily identifiable by casual or occasional readers, whose impulse upon encountering it is likely to mirror the vituperative two-word epithet in this essay’s title."

Fuck yeah! Bonus profanity points for "rococo"!

LWOT FUN FACT: The title of the post comes from a passage of Nathan Whitlocks's novel A Week of This, en excerpt of which appeared in the January 2008 issue of LWOT.

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